
So much of what the Isaiah Project achieves is a result of the generous giving of many supporters. We are grateful for every donation whether it is furniture, clothing, bric-a-brac or money.

Shop Items
We are always looking to refresh the stock in our shops and to do this we rely on the donations the community make to us. We sell second hand clothes, CDs, books, electrical goods and bric-a-brac and so are able to accept most items that people want to donate.

If you have anything you wish to donate, then please bring it along to any of our shops where it will be gratefully received.

We are happy to receive all good quality re-saleable furniture at Hamlet House, The Project (Southchurch) and The Project (Shoebury). There are one or two restrictions – sofas etc must have current fire labels and not have any tears or stains, and any electrical equipment must have the CE mark.

If you would like to donate any furniture, then please contact our office on 01702 436417 and we can arrange a collection.

We are grateful to all who give to the Isaiah Project and so enable us to do all we do. All support is invaluable and so if you wish to make a make a donation either click on the button below or make cheques payable to “The Isaiah Project” and if you are a UK tax payer then please consider signing the Gift Aid form and enclose with your gift.

Thank You


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