About Us

The Isaiah Project aims to come alongside those in the community who need a helping hand to move on in life and to change the circumstances in which they find themselves. To provide support to vulnerable and disadvantaged people to enable them to gain the life and social skills necessary to obtain and maintain independence in the community. To provide ongoing support and friendship, help with benefits, life skills, volunteering opportunities and accommodation.

Confidence and trust are built up through the process of listening. Those who engage fully with the Isaiah Project are allocated a befriender whose primary function is to come alongside with encouragement, ongoing support and friendship. This will look different for each individual but will involve spending time together each week with opportunity to talk through the issues that affect their lives as well as helping with practicalities such as hospital appointments, shopping and other daily tasks that people may find difficult.

To Support
One of the Project’s aims is to help people gain the life and social skills necessary to obtain and maintain independence in the community. Part of this can happen through  befriending but to supplement this we also run a number of training courses focusing on various life issues.

To Listen
Many people just want someone to listen to them in confidence and understand them. The first step in helping anyone move their life forward is to hear their story, to listen behind the words to the emotions and hurt. In this way we are able to offer support and begin a process of developing friendship and confidence through relationship. Our “Open House” sessions are the primary vehicle for this.

The crisis that brings many to the Isaiah Project is homelessness or imminent homelessness. Sometimes we are able to provide accommodation alongside the befriending programme. Over the years we have developed a good working relationship with a number of landlords in the town and Southend Borough Council to make this possible. It is not the total answer but having a home and address is often the starting point and place of security that enables so much else to happen in someone’s life.

Help with Benefits
Our benefits system in the UK is far from straightforward and those who are in most need of its help sometimes find the whole process bemusing. At the Isaiah Project we help people to claim relevant benefits and find the best utility tariffs. This ideally works alongside our befriending as part of the process of helping people move their lives forward.


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